exhibition archive

Interalia 2014
Grenville Davey

23.04.14 – 31.05.14

exhibition info | press release | events | images | reviews | private view | interview | publication | invitation


Preparing the Exhibition 1   2

Installation Images 1   2   3


Installation Images 2 : Main space


grenville davey

Untitled working drawings, dates variable


grenville davey

working drawings


grenville davey

working drawing


grenville davey

working drawing


grenville davey

inatallation view: main space


grenville davey

left: Untitled Maquettes 2010-14, right: Wigstand 2014


grenville davey

Untitled Maquettes 2010-14


grenville davey

Untitled Maquettes 2010-14


grenville davey

detail - Untitled Maquette


grenville davey

installation view: main space


grenville davey

installation view


grenville davey

installation view


grenville davey

installation view with Eye 2014 and Handprints 2014


grenville davey

Handprint 2014


grenville davey

Handprint 2014


grenville davey

foreground: Untitled Maquettes


grenville davey

foreground: Untitled Maquette background: Double Button


grenville davey

Double Button 2014


grenville davey

Double Button 2014


grenville davey

installation view


grenville davey

foreground: Untitled Maquette background: Double Button


Preparing the Exhibition 1   2

Installation Images 1   2   3