exhibition archive

Interalia 2014
Grenville Davey

23.04.14 – 31.05.14

exhibition info | press release | events | images | reviews | private view | interview | publication | invitation


Preparing the Exhibition 1   2

Installation Images 1   2   3


Installation Images 2 : Ramp


grenville davey

installation view: ramp


grenville davey

installation view: ramp with Untitled 2010-2014


grenville davey

detail: Untitled 2010-2014


grenville davey

Untitled 2010-2014 - detail


grenville davey

installation view: ramp

grenville davey

ramp with Button 2014


grenville davey

Button 2014


grenville davey

Button 2014


grenville davey

Button 2014


grenville davey

Untitled Maquette 2010-14


grenville davey

Eye 2014 and Untitled Maquette 2010-14


grenville davey

Eye 2014


grenville davey

Untitled Maquette 2010-14


grenville davey

detail: Untitled Maquette 201o-14


grenville davey

installation view – main space and top of ramp


grenville davey

Handprint 2014


grenville davey

Eyes 2014 and Handprints


grenville davey

installation view: main space


Preparing the Exhibition 1   2

Installation Images 1   2   3