exhibition archive

Should I Stay or Should I Go?
A question rehearsed by RUN

CHELSEA space 5th Anniversary Exhibition

RUN with Bruce Mclean and David Gothard, Lisa Le Feuvre, Teresa Gleadowe, Jo Melvin, Mick Jones, and guests

12.03.10 - 17.04.10

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Installation views - Act 1   Act 2   Act 3   Act 4   Act 5

Events - Act 1  


Installation views Act 5


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Act 5 Mick Jones installation shot


Main space

Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Act 5 Mick Jones installation shot


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Act 5 Mick Jones installation view


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Mick Jones record covers


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Mick Jones installation view with records and vitrines


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Mick Jones - popular song sheet music and Beatles photo


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Mick Jones - newspapers, photos and album covers


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Vitrine - Clash on tour with Bo Didddley


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

vitrine - Mick Jones with Ginsberg, Lydon, Levine, Strummer and Simenon


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Should I Stay Or Should I Go - 7 inch single


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Mick Jones installation view


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

coffee table, newspapers, novels


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Mick Jones installation


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Mick Jones' Gibson Guitar and novels


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Ralph Capone vitrine


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

posters paintings and drawings


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Mick Jones installation view


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

sound wave from the Clash's Should I Stay Or Should I Go




Installation views - Act 1   Act 2   Act 3   Act 4   Act 5

Events - Act 1