exhibition archive

Should I Stay or Should I Go?
A question rehearsed by RUN

CHELSEA space 5th Anniversary Exhibition

RUN with Bruce Mclean and David Gothard, Lisa Le Feuvre, Teresa Gleadowe, Jo Melvin, Mick Jones, and guests

12.03.10 - 17.04.10

press release | images | events | posters | reviews | texts | private view | invitation




Installation views - Act 1   Act 2   Act 3   Act 4   Act 5

Events - Act 1  


Installtion views Act 2

Lower space

Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

ACT 2 lower space archive projection and ramp



Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

CHELSEA space invitation cards


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

CHELSEA space invitations (detail)


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Non- Hierarchical narrative of CHELSEA space by RUN


Main space

Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Act 2 installaion view


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Act 2 Installation view


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Act 2 - CASS list detail


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Donald Smith's Partial History of exhibitions curated by Lisa Le Feuvre


Should I Stay or Should I Go? A question rehearsed by RUN

Donald Smith's Partial History of Exhibitions




Installation views - Act 1   Act 2   Act 3   Act 4   Act 5

Events - Act 1