exhibition archive

Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

27 September – 27 October 2017

exhibition info | press release | images | floor plan | reviews | private view | publication | invitation


Imstallaiton Images 3


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

‘Buried’ (1975)


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

detail from ‘Buried’ (1975)


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

‘To Awake in Time, Natural History Remains, Man makes the 4th Dimension’ (1975/7) and ‘Beneath The Eye’ (1974)


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

‘To Awake in Time, Natural History Remains, Man Makes the 4th Dimension’ (1975/7)


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

‘To Awake in Time’ (1975/7)


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

detail from ‘To Awake in Time’ (1975/7)


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

‘Natural History Remains’ (1975/7)


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

detail from ‘Natural History Remains’ (1975/7)


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

‘Man Makes the 4th Dimension’ (1975/7)


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

detail from ‘Man Makes the 4th Dimension’ (1975/7)


Mario Dubsky: Xeno Factor

‘Beneath the Eye’ (1974)