exhibition archive

The Library of Cynicism:
the archeology of sound and smell

Oswaldo Maciá

curated by Donald Smith

05.06.13 – 20.07.13

exhibition info | press release | list of works | images | reviews | private view | publication | invitation


Preparing the exhibition  

Installation views   1   2


 Oswaldo Macia

bubbling tank and bell speakers.


 Oswaldo Macia

main space


 Oswaldo Macia

Audio work for the Library of Cynicism – 12 channel composition


 Oswaldo Macia

Audio work for the Library of Cynicism – 12 channel composition


 Oswaldo Macia

Audio work for the Library of Cynicism – 12 channel composition


 Oswaldo Macia

Olfactory tanks with black ink added to the perfume


 Oswaldo Macia

black tank with white bubbles


 Oswaldo Macia

Audio Olfactory installation detail


 Oswaldo Macia

main space installation view


 Oswaldo Macia



 Oswaldo Macia

bubbling perfume


 Oswaldo Macia

installation view – main space


 Oswaldo Macia

Library of Cynicism - plan


Preparing the exhibition  

Installation views   1   2